Helpful information
All about Hyip and not only
This section provides useful information both for our potential customers and for ordinary investors who want to know in more detail about what is HYIP and what it is taken with. In addition, here you will learn how you can earn without investment with minimal effort.
Tired of losing money in HYIPs? Do you want to start getting a stable and guaranteed income? Just recommend your friends and acquaintances to use the services of our studio and earn 10% of the sale of ready-made projects (located in the "Store" tab), or 5% from the sale of turn-key projects. We will pay you a reward to any convenient electronic wallet immediately after the transaction is made! To do this, simply get in touch with us via one of the contacts that are convenient to you and inform us about the possible client, if the information you indicated is confirmed, you will undoubtedly receive your fee!
In conclusion, it is impossible not to talk about the prospects of the HYIP niche. In fact, as in any other case, it has its advantages and disadvantages. The most important negative point when working with HYIPs is increased risks and the actual impossibility of returning lost funds. It is only possible to fight this shortcoming with one's astuteness: it's not worth investing one's last funds in HYIP, consider the deposits as an extremely risky investment, not a guaranteed income and, of course, follow the fate of selected projects and withdraw funds as soon as the project is nearing collapse.
The heart of any HYIP, directly responsible for its performance and functionality, is the HYIP script with admin and other project management tools. The most popular profile HYIP engines are scripts hscript and goldcoders.
The main advantage of the script H-script - increased flexibility in the creation of HYIPs. The source code for this script is fully open to independent developers and has long been studied through and through by the programmers of our web studio. This allows us to introduce unique functionality into the investment funds of our clients and any customer of ours can buy an HYIP project on h-script, which really has no analogues in the world. In addition, all HYIPs on this engine support the acceptance of payments in more than 30 payment systems, which guarantees you maximum coverage of potential customers.
Thematically, HYIP projects can be devoted to anything. But, as already mentioned, the legend of the HYIP does not usually affect anything, so it's easiest to classify such projects in terms of their profitability.
HYIP, promising investors a monthly net income of over 61% - is called "fast". High profit is accompanied by serious risk - due to high profitability fast-HYIPs can not exist for long and, often, the pyramid collapses in a very short time. However, it is these short-lived HYIPs that are most attractive to impatient investors, which means they can be easily and quickly earned on both by project organizers and experienced HYIP-brokers.
The principle of operation of all HYIP-systems is based on the long-known pyramidal structure of investment - that is, the life of the project and payments to its participants are entirely supported by the receipt of funds from new investors. Any activity that the project is dedicated to, whether it is cloud mining or the development of solar energy, is often a "legend" to increase attractiveness in the eyes of investors, and therefore does not affect the real income from HYIP. From all this, we can conclude that the key to earning on similar projects for the investor is to withdraw funds from the system in a timely manner, and for the HYIP organizer to maximize the attractiveness of the project and to stimulate current participants to be active in attracting new customers.
HYIP is an abbreviation for "High-Yield Investment Program".
If to describe briefly, the main distinctive features of any HYIP are the actual anonymity of the organizers and participants of the project, extremely high financial risks and, at the same time, serious opportunities for earning, with due understanding of the specifics of the creation of HYIPs or investments in them. Already interested? Then let's consider the kitchen of HYIP projects in more detail.